Joint pain with swelling on joints

2017-09-18 07:50:14
I am suffering from joint pain since 2014. I have been regularly taking HCQS daily one tablet and One tablet of Etorica SOS

Answers (1)

Try some remedies for Joint pain: -Ice packs can be used to soothe hot, swollen joints. -Heat packs help to relax tense, tired muscles. -Splinting of swollen or painful joints may be helpful, a physiotherapist or an occupational therapist (OT) may provide temporary splints for you. -Pace yourself :Overdoing things can increase your pain, but so can not doing enough. Your physiotherapist can advise you on increasing your activity level at a rate you can cope with and on finding the right balance between rest and activity. -Take regular graded exercise :Graded exercise starts slowly and increases in small steps. This will help you to strengthen your muscles and joints and increase your fitness. Improving your general fitness and stamina will help you to increase your activity level without increasing your pain. -Mobilising, stretching and strengthening :Your physiotherapist will assess your muscle strength and the range of movement in your joints, and advise on techniques and exercises so you can keep your joints working as well as possible. Best wishes

Answered2017-09-21 03:26:54

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