Large open pores

2018-03-07 12:13:22
I've been prone to acne from the age of 16 and my skin is very oily and it's in my genes my dad struggled through same. And I've been taking medication for about 3 years(on and off) of a dermatologist who prescribes me benzoyl peroxide and isotoretinion and some antibiotics. And now I've large open pores on my nose and cheeks and my skin is also dull and looks old and wrinkly. My skin makes me insecure, I cannot look at myself in mirror and cannot initante conversation, so please help me regain my skin which I had before my acne, or even shrink my pores.

Answers (2)

Hello,as per your concern you have acne prone oily skin and open pores. Open pores occurs either because of injury(pitting scars of acne) or excess sebum production. You can follow instructions mentioned below to cure it 1.Use gel based cleanser. 2.Use alcohol free toner or rose water. 3.Non comedogenic moisturiser. 4.Retinol based cream alternate day. 5.Gel based sunscreen.
Next Steps
You can consult cosmetologist or dermatologist and can go for peels,radiofrequency treatment or even laser if it doesn't get treated by all these measures.
Health Tips
you can even use good pore minimizing serum,egg whites and don't go for steaming of face as it will further aggravate the problem. Try to limit foods which has high glycemic index like potato,milk etc

Answered2018-03-07 19:27:09

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Acne or  pimples... Due to hormonal changes..Oily skin causes it...Common in adolescent age...May occur in adults also.. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it.. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne..So, please  consult me in my clinic or consult me by direct online consultation by sending photos as it's a must to see which grade of pimples or acne for accurate diagnosis and treatment

Answered2018-03-07 13:49:35

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