Mild diffuse of cerebral

2016-02-17 16:28:11
She is patient of this since 2 yrs ago & taking medicine reguraly & she has always sleeping behaviour & some times doesnot respond to our talk & sometime respond & she lost total control over her body some times partially she has no sense of urinatry things & does not eat food properly with her hand so i want your advice what to do & want to know that is there any chance to recover or return on her personal life

Answers (1)

I can understand the difficulties you are going through . The most common diagnostic condition of this presentation with old age, difficulty carrying out day to day tasks, incontinence and progressive course over period of 2yrs points towards Dementia but you haven mentioned any thing regarding forgetfulness . I would like to advice MRI Brain and get her metabolic profile done to rule out Diabetes and Hypertension . I would also like to suggest you to visit a neurologist near by . For any further queries you can ask me don't hesitate

Answered2016-02-18 05:37:50

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Mild diffuse cerebral atrophy
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