Mouth ulcer

2018-02-09 10:12:13
My mother is suffering from mouth ulcer from last 8years, she cannot eat slightly spicy food and she is diabetic from last 7 years. She is also suffering from knee pain and taking Proxym XT and Amryl 1 mg for diabetes. Please suggest tests or medicines for her speedy recovery for the above problems as she cant eat hot or spicy food and having problem in knees.

Answers (2)

Hi,there could be many reasons of mouth ulcers like dentures,,sharp edges of teeth etc.,,apply hexigel ointment twice daily before food,,then see a dentist in person for this problem.

Answered2018-02-09 12:16:40

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Hi.. If she is having recurrent ulcers...You need to share more details...I can help you if you contact online consult with practo.
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Health Tips
She can use Dologel ct gel 5 min before food...

Answered2018-02-09 11:20:55

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