Mucus in my throat

2020-09-04 14:30:26
After eating oily food I feel like cough and lot of mucus comes out. And sometimes I feel like there is cough(mucus) in my throat. Is it normal or I am just overthinking.

Answers (2)

Cough and mucus generally is over produced my the nose and throat in response to oily food.. To help in easy digestion.. Its normal but if it's troubling you, you should try to decrease oily food especially at night

Answered2020-09-04 15:39:49

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Drink 3 litres of water every day Stop spicy and junk food Tab sinarest lp half tablet twice a day Tab pantop dsr twice a day Syp mucaine gel 3 TSF thrice a day Otrivin nasal drops 2 drops twice a day followed by steam inhalation with Vicks Do it for a week and then get back

Answered2020-09-04 14:53:39

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