My son 2 yrs 11 month injured elbow

2019-06-16 16:28:37
My son 2yrs 11 months, his left hand elbow got injured on thursday night after falling down from 2 feet height table. He had little swelling on elbow. We visit pediatric as per his suggestion we waited for 3 days still swelling is not reduced. So we done xray. Currently he is on IMOL Syrup 5ml 3 times. He is playing normally and not complaining pain but i can see he is not able to put pressure on his left hand. Please suggest me what to do.

Answers (5)

Please visit a orthopaedician and get clinical assessment done and get guided. Because x-rays are usually normal in a child and x-ray interpretation depends on clinical assessment.

Answered2019-06-17 09:40:48

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This child should have above elbow plaster cast for 2-3 wks.

Answered2019-06-17 07:10:31

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It looks like he is having fracture. Needs good view of X-ray
Next Steps
Please visit nearby Orthopaedic Surgeon as soon as possible.
Health Tips
Don’t do massage.

Answered2019-06-16 18:02:27

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X ray is not clear.

Answered2019-06-19 05:41:25

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Please meet with an Orthopaedic doctor for a checkup as soon as possible

Answered2019-06-17 04:40:09

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