Need suggestion

2016-04-12 03:38:18
Last year in March I had ectopic pregnancy and my right Fallopian tube has been removed, and again in December I was pregnant and this time it was interstitial pregnancy and treated by medical management. I have gone through all tests which comes normal and last last week I went for HSG Test which is also normal no blockage. So why I'm not able have normal pregnancy both time I conceived naturally. Please help me to know what could be the reason why I'm having every time ectopic pregnancy??

Answers (1)

It is good that ur HSG report has come normal. If there were any blockages in the fallopian tubes would have got washed away by the HSG fluid. Most probably this time when u conceive it will be a normal pregnancy. All the best. Keep me posted about the good news.

Answered2016-04-12 15:21:46

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