
2016-04-16 08:03:50
I have been experiencing growths of tumor sort of thing in my body. These are small in sizes around 10 mm in length. These are not growing in sizes. I have 2 to 3 tumors near the elbow in both the hands, 2 to 3 in the thigh, 1 in the backside of the neck. These are not visible but one can feel it when touched. 1 on the right hand above the elbow sometimes pains but not a severe pain. I have consulted few doctors as well. They told me its neurofibromatosis and in reply they have told me to leave it alone. It has been more than 3 years since I am seeing these tumors. I am not taking any sort of medicines for it. Is there any solution to it? Or should I leave it alone?

Answers (1)

Hello there...., i went through your query... The neurofibromatoses are genetic disorders that cause tumors to grow in the nervous system. ..... Neurofibromatosis can't be cured, but treatments are available for your signs and symptoms..... Symptoms can be relieved by removing all or part of tumors that are compressing nearby tissue or damaging organs....Pain relievers are considered in the management....

Answered2016-04-17 01:11:40

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Neurofibromatosis treatment
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