Nose Bleeding in Morning

2016-02-20 02:46:33
My niece is 6 yrs old, she has a habit of taking pencil and inserting in her nose or putting finger in her nose due to which Nose bleeding would have happened (As i saw in couple of article) but my only worry is today when she got up in the morning it got started. Is there any concern why it started in the morning??Is there anything to worry??

Answers (1)

Nose picking in children causes sub-clinical infection of nasal mucosa whose elasticity becomes weakened. This results in nasal bleeds with slight trauma like a scratch of a fingernail or tap on nose. First aid in such situations is to have the child sit bending forwards and pinch & hold both nostrils tightly shut for upto 5 minutes with child breathing from mouth. This will stop the bleeding. Icepacks over nose will also help. Blowing of nose should be forbidden for 48 hours as it may dislodge newly formed clot. Now go to nearest good ENT Specialist for further medical management.

Answered2016-02-20 03:55:13

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