Polycystic ovarian syndro

2016-01-09 04:36:57
I am diagnosed with PCOS few days back. I want to know what provides best treatment for this? Homeopathy has cure for PCOS?

Answers (2)

Hello, PCOS or poly cystic ovarian syndrome is a health problem which alters the hormonal balance and in turn affects the monthly menstrual cycle. In this condition there develops cysts on the ovaries which in turn affects the monthly period cycle and causes lack of or scanty menses This condition could be attributed to lifestyle changes like adulteration in food,stress,lack of exercise. Homoeopathy offers very good results with PCOS.But its a long term process as we evaluate and assess the patient by complete constitutional case taking and medicines are so given which help your own body mechanisms to help the hormonal imbalance to correct itself. Also exercise and diet plan along with Homoeopathic treatment can help you in the long run. Regards.

Answered2016-01-11 13:32:15

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Hello allopathy treatment are giving good results try t reduce your weight and last option laparoscopic ovarian drilling you can try this out consult obg specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Answered2016-01-11 12:28:35

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