Right side back pain

2019-03-13 09:05:02
Right side back pain with hands constant pain from last two days.pain is extending to hands and only upper part of back right side.

Answers (9)

Tk rest from your computer work and posture corrections must

Answered2019-03-25 19:31:35

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can you get your postures checked by a specialist Physio
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what kind of a occupation r u in
Health Tips
posture correction will help

Answered2019-03-14 17:46:22

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Chiropractic Mobilization will help. Postural Correction- Sit Tall, Walk Tall. Extension Exercises x 15 times x twice daily. Apply Hot Fomentation twice daily.

Answered2019-03-14 05:07:08

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Its indication of nerve compression at cervical region meet you physio for proper treatment protocol for this it might take some more time to subside the condition. Regards
Next Steps
avoid forward bending
Health Tips
learn neural flossing under physio observation will great helps you .

Answered2019-03-14 02:43:36

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Nerve compression happened near the cervical region and even triggers and muscle spam also causing you the pain at the back. And the pain in ur hand is purely ur nerve problem.      Do wall stretches for the back region
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will tell u the exercise protocols if needed.
Health Tips
avoid using pillows, stooped posture. deep friction massage is suggested over tender areas

Answered2019-03-13 11:09:40

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Consult a physiotherapist! Proper assessment is needed And after that she ll give you set of exercises and will even apply machine if needed! But for temporary purpose apply hot pack! It might be because of compression of nerve at vertebral level

Answered2019-03-13 09:19:27

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Hey. I think your pain is due to nerve compression on neck.1st consult your near physiotherapy center and get proper treatment.
Next Steps
avoid pillow,hot pack for 10 to 15 mint
Health Tips
consult your near physiotherapy center.

Answered2019-03-13 18:30:09

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please visited near by clinic for further investigation of cause of pain

Answered2019-03-13 14:08:08

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Proper biomechanical assessment is needed. Consult a physiotherapist who have orthopaedic experience. These kind of pains can be efficiently managed by them.

Answered2019-03-13 13:40:05

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