Scoliosis ,pain

2019-02-27 10:27:40
I have mild scoliosis sonce 19 years and i have visited doctors .they say my spine must be matured now and its very dangerous to operate .so what are the measure i can take to help prevent that from worsening or causing any pain .i do exercise which keeps most of the pain away

Answers (3)

Till skeletal maturity curve can increase. Depending on degree of scoliosis u may need, conservative treatment with brace application, and physiotherapy and if curve is beyond 40 degree may need surgical correction.

Answered2019-02-27 12:35:01

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Continue exercises. Depends on degree of scoliosis.needs corrective surgery only if you have cardiorespiratory problems. Normally scoliosis of mild to moderate degree responds to regular exercises(meet spinal physio) and occasionally painkillers. If pain is intolerable meet a spine surgeon. Take care

Answered2019-02-27 10:37:25

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Need discussion

Answered2019-02-27 10:30:28

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