Scquda acquina syndrom

2016-09-01 16:57:10
I have gone under surgery operation on 7th Feb. But I am still feeling pain on my back. The swelling on my left foot is coming. The sensation on my left leg/foot is about 50%. My generative portion is also sensation less, but I am passing my stool and bathroom properly. I am getting the following medicine.(1) Acegaba NT400 (2) benfosles (3)Partisan DSR . I also want to know whether it is the Orthopedic problem or Neurology. I want to get 2nd opinion, pl advise.

Answers (1)

what your surgeon has said you please contact him again. Add Inj Meaxon Plus IM once In 2 days. continue the same medication. its common after surgery as incission will have some nerves get deranged. its not bcoz of your Cauda equina its bcoz of Disc compression check weather you have any leg weakness now also
Next Steps
please visit a Neuro surgeon at your place

Answered2016-09-02 04:47:10

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