Sex urine diet life style

2016-04-04 12:07:10
I get frequent unusual head ache when two things happen daily basis.First when I hold my Urine,say I have to empty it now instead I delay.From Now till I release depending on the delay time headache will be intensified.This is not a normal headache it gives a bad feeling altogether difficult to explain too.Secondly if I delay my food and delay it from the point of hunger the same head ache starts which is similar to the urine problem which I explained.Both headaches are same to same and I get instant relief the moment I could urinate on time and eat something on time.Life is sooo disturbing I swear.All my complete Executive check up reports are normal including Hepatitis tests are Negative.Met with best hospitals and doctors explaining this but in vain.One observation is when I Mastrubate regularly I feel relaxed without these problems.But my quality of life is disturbed with such practice .Till now I met Neulogists and urologists.Now I feel it's connected to sexologist .What say

Answers (1)

Masturbation is Normal and does not cause any side effects.

Answered2016-04-07 10:02:33

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