Slight pain 8 upper chest

2016-02-27 03:49:47
Since few days i feeling a pain when i press my upper middle part of chest.I had kidney stone one year back and had operated fistula 15 years ago.I m also gastric problem and my bowel is also not clear..i mean i feel like having constipations...What may be the reason for this it normal? pl suggest

Answers (2)

Sir, You need to be examined for proper diagnosis and treatment. Get back to me

Answered2016-02-28 07:03:06

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Hello sir,,, as you are having chest pain when you press chest, It might be due to somatic(bones or muscles) cause associated with rib, which is due to bad posture you practise while sitting or related to occupation. Consider sitting with back straight, and practicing yoga or stretching exercise will relieve pain, if it continues consider getting Ecg done. Gastritis, constipation tells, you should look upon healthy food habits. Having meals at regular intervals and less spicy food avoids gastritis, high fibre diet (viz,,, vegetables, fruits)and enough water relieves constipation. At last any chest pain shouldn't be considered lightly after age of 40 or earlier if associated with hypertension or obesity or diabetes or any family history or history of smoking or other health injurious habits, at that time get Ecg at earliest If possible ecocardiogram too.

Answered2016-02-27 15:52:19

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