Styes/pimple on eye lids

2016-03-14 04:47:53
Hi, one of my eye got affected with styes or pimples on the eye lids. I took medication for styes on lower lid but again it's starting on upper lid but giving pain and it's turns to red spot . is this because of excess of heat in body or something else ? Suggest any medications. Thanks.

Answers (1)

Hello there...., In most cases, a sty doesn't require specific treatment. A sty typically goes away on its own. Recurrences are common... Your doctor may prescribe antibiotic eyedrops or a topical antibiotic cream to apply to your eyelid. If your eyelid infection persists or spreads beyond your eyelid, your doctor may recommend antibiotics in tablet or pill form... Leave the sty alone. Don't try to pop the sty or squeeze the pus from a sty. Doing so can cause the infection to spread....Clean your eyelid. Gently wash the affected eyelid with mild soap and water.

Answered2016-03-14 15:00:22

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