My Brother has Wollen Lymp Nodes in his neck, which is causing swollen neck in right side, We have testes CCT neck, here is the the ct finding -- multiple enlarged bilateral level Lb ii, iii, iv and v cortical lymp nodes are seen largest of them measuring 3.5 cm, in its short axis diameter in right mid jugular level, Few of them right cervical lymph nodes showshow central necrosisnecrosis. surrounding fat stranding seen. The right IJV is compressed by enlarged lymp nodes.
we also got three times FNAC tests but it is also not giving the clear picture. here is FNAC test finding -accuate inflammatory lesion.
Can you please suggest us the best test where we can have the clear picture of the illness.
I also want to mention his symptoms he has fever Continuesly, warm body and lossing some wait also.
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated
Your brother has Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis.
I suggest he also undergo HIV screening test too.
Take him to nearest Primary Health Center for Anti TB treatment which is free.
Hii doctor, So I'm feeling 3-4 lymph nodes in my body from past 1-1.5 months and I've attached a picture
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