Teeth paining

2016-03-08 17:51:43
Ceramic teeth cap was mounted 2 years brfore without rootcanal.But continuously there is a pain comes someday after some days. Now the pain shifted to a another original teeth. Doctors saying root canal is must for both teeths. Is there is any option to solve without root canal? This is my marriage time so I can't face without teeth.(front bottom teeth) Pls suggest me wat to do?

Answers (2)

Get a single sitting Root canal treatment done and also get the crowns done within 2 days

Answered2016-03-10 17:00:49

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If there is pain,then only treatment to save the teeth will be root canal treatment.I can not confirmly tell that though,as I don't have radiological evidence. Palliative way of pain management will be any analgesic if your ceremony is on door step. If you have time get the treatment done ASAP. N.B. root canal treatment saves your teeth, so no question of wothot teeth comes here.

Answered2016-03-10 05:06:13

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