Thank you for your query.
The major concern when we deal with headaches is to know if they are benign meaning there are no danger signs.
To be able to decipher that I would need some additional historical information from you regarding your headache.
1.You have described the headache as throbbing and all over the head. I would need to know the duration you have been having these headaches. You have also said that these are almost continuous. I would need to know if they were infrequent previously and now turned continuous.Also could you kindly rate your headache on a scale of 1-10 just to give me an idea of how severe the pain is.
2.Is this headache different from the headache which you were experiencing previously (if you were having any such)? A recent change in the character of a chronic headache is a cause of alarm.
3.You also mentioned your spine being painful too. I would like you to kindly clarify if the character of the pain in the spine is similar to your headache. Any electric shock like sensation radiating from the spine brought about by neck movements could be an indicator of possible compression of the spinal nerve roots by a disc disease.
4.Certain additional features like eye pain(exclude refractory error) ,early morning worsening or blurred vision,double vision, transient episodes of vision loss could be danger signs.
5.Any cranial autonomic symptoms like eye redness, watering from eyes or stuffiness of the nose?
6.Any loss of sensation on the face or facial asymmetry to look for any additional cranial nerve deficits.
7.Any associated constitutional symptoms like fever or evening rise in temperature, night sweats, weight loss.Any evidence of lymphadenopathy?
Next Steps
I would like to know if any baseline imaging studies-CT/MRI of the brain are available? Also has the fundus been evaluated using an ophthalmoscope-An examination where the doctor looks on the inside of your eye using a device with a small piece of light. if yes any findings of blurred disc margins.
Health Tips
The most important thing to look for is danger signs-Early morning worsening, recent change in character,diplopia,loss of consciousness,blurred vision,black spots on visual field or any sudden transient vision loss(usually occurs when one gets up suddenly from sleeping position).