Urine problem

2016-03-08 14:45:06
My child she is 11yrs she has a problem that she do urine in bed at night how to help her in this problem advice me

Answers (2)

In completely with what Dr. Chetan said. This might still be normal if there is similar problem in family (including uncles and aunts). So do not worry and think this is abnormal. Restrict water intake after dinner, wake her up in middle of night once or twice and encourage her to void in toilet only, reinforce her with a chocolate/extra game time on days she did not wet bed. Never punish her when she wets thinking she might change her pattern, it works counter productively. Attaining bladder control is part of growing up, just some kids get it late. When have we ever seen an adult without bladder control?

Answered2016-03-09 09:19:38

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Hi..., Bed-wetting is also known as nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis. Generally, bed-wetting before age 7 isn't a concern. At this age, your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control... Most children outgrow bed-wetting on their own. If there's a family history of bed-wetting, your child will probably stop bed-wetting around the age the parent stopped bed-wetting. If your child isn't especially bothered or embarrassed by an occasional wet night, traditional home remedies may work well.  Consult Pediatrician for further advice...

Answered2016-03-09 09:09:58

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