Wisdom tooth extraction

2022-01-20 12:47:23
Even after 1 month of wisdom tooth extraction I still have swelling on the side of extraction... I had horizontal impacted tooth which was extracted on 23rd Dec 2020 n got 2 sutures... Now I still have swelling on the side of extraction .. Why is it so?

Answers (8)

Well ! Am sorry for your suffering. However, it coud be due to reinfection or inflammation of the would area. Body s immunity also plays a vital role after extraction wound healing. Kindly get an IOPA of the extracted area. Hopefully the sutures were done right along with proper course of medications. Do not brush or eat any hard foods. Use a mild antiinfective mouth rinse for a week. Eat multivitamins (maxirich) long with extra vitamin c.
Next Steps
Get suture area cleaned with warm saline. A medication for pain and inflammation should only be taken in case of severe pain. Avoid hard food that causes irritation and delayed healing of the deep seated wound. See a speacialist for re examination. Hope you have a recovery very soon.
Health Tips
Eat soft foods and balanced pH diet. Do not let food irritate the extraction area and chew with alternate jaw. Maintain oral hygiene.

Answered2022-01-22 09:48:31

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Swelling usually comes after wisdom tooth removal. But it remains for 1 month is really an anxious issue. There might be an infection in the socket due to food lodgement or weak immune system due to diabetes.
Next Steps
So, if swelling is soft then    ---Apply ice compress over affected area( over bone) from outside 10-15min 3 times/day.    ---Gargle using warm salt water after each diet.    ---Apply rexidine-m forte  gel over extraction site 10-15 min 3 times/day.    ---check up your blood sugar (fasting as well as pp) And if swelling is hard then     visit near by dentist as soon as possible.

Answered2022-01-21 15:26:26

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Visit the dentist who did the extraction. Horizontally impacted teeth may need more time to heal. Swelling maybe due to adjacent tooth also. A recent x ray of that region would be helpful.

Answered2022-01-21 07:03:46

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The swelling may be due to  non healed wound or adjacent tooth caries.
Next Steps
Health Tips
Be careful while brushing. Sleep from the side which does not have swelling.Visit dentist immediately.

Answered2022-01-20 16:31:15

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Usually Post wisdom tooth removal healing continues internally till 6-12 weeks and after that bone and gums stabilize.  Many people make a mistake of not keeping that area clean post procedure in the fear that gums may get damaged. Use extra soft brush with Superfine bristles to clean Oral B/ Colgate charcoal  to keep it clean.
Next Steps
1. Warm Saline Rinses- 4-5 times a day ( Lukewarm water- 1glass water - 1 tea spoon salt- 2 min gargling and spit it out. 2. Local application  of Hexigel/ Metrohex gel ( 3 times a day after meals and rinsing with warm water) using clean fingers/ cotton bud 3. Get it checked if pain/ swelling persists
Health Tips
Don't rinse off the medicine/ Drink water immediately  after application. wait till 15-20 min of application

Answered2022-01-20 15:09:15

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Hello dear, to reduce the swelling apply ice packs on that region , gargle with salt water n take soft food. Tab  ketorol sp for 3 days BD
Next Steps
visit dentist as soon as possible

Answered2022-01-20 13:15:11

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Did u get sutures removed? Are u applying any hot packs over that area?

Answered2022-01-20 12:57:15

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Hard or soft swelling?

Answered2022-01-20 12:49:50

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