ANA test positive
I am suffering from swelling ,muscle week ness,ankles and puffy face,hard Ness in some places hand and legs. for the last 3 months.and not the problem not yet been diagnosed behind this in 4 to 5 hosptitals.In every hospital they did thyroid ,2 D eco,LFT,creatine,uric acid,RBS,chest x ray,GTT,serum for albumin,and somany tests by all those are normal.and I spend 30 to 40 thousand .In one or 2 case uric acid levels are 8 and 11 yesterday it was 6.9%.except this all reports are normal. And in one hospital ANA test has come positively.and ANA profile yet to be done.wether my symptoms are related to this ANA .What will be the cause behind this.after profile test will be done the symptoms can be reduced or much time will it take for ANA profile test report.and to which doctor I have to consult Pls advise me .
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I think u have messed up totaly.And no one is there for u to guide. I think if ur test results are normal then what is ur worry?if ana is posotive then tteat it in a proper manner. I suggest that u should consult a good homoeopathic physician and take medicine from him.U will be much better after taking homoeopathic medicine from a good and proper doctor. Good luck. Feel free to contact me for further info.
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