Anal Fissure
I am suffering from anal fissure since October 2016. But iam not sure whether it is fissure only or something else. i went to doctor, he didnt examined it but gave medicine(oinment and stool softner syrup) and told to do sitz bath. i am following it since then but my condition hasnt improved. last night while applying the oinment at the effected part some blood came out. So i am frightend that it is something else. my freinds told it may be ulser.
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Answers (2)

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Fissure is not alarming ...pain and bleeding is part of symptom... We gastro don't put our finger inside for acute fissure in the fear that pts might experience severe pain during that. Moreover , no extra information is got by doing that. So treatment started. If pt does not respond . Like in your case , clinical examination with a sigmoidoscopy is needed to rule out 1.diagnosis of fissure 2.associated piles with that
Next Steps
meet a gastro doc
Health Tips
take plenty of water, fruits and laxatives
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Hello.. Well it has to be anal fissure or haemorrhoids which is the common cause of such symptoms..But the. Since you say the doctor had not examined...I would suggest you to meet a general surgeon and consult him for examination...Thank you
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