From today morning i am having a feeling of getting out of control or going to die with a heartattack. Contining with sweating and some stomach issues. Recently done ECG and TMT test done which were normal. But this symptoms makea me more anxious. Sometime i feel like i get faint but actually it won't happening. Please guide me in this regard, whether it is a serious condition?.
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This seems purely anxiety issue with panic attacks, and please relax as anxiety shows up in physiological symptoms like those of palpitations, sweaty palms, dizziness, breathelessness, and sometimes even stomach upset and squeezing feelings in stomach leading to nausea . All these are physical symptoms of anxiety which make you feel that you are losing control and it might turn out fatal. But please do not try to control and just deep breathe and you will notice it will subside after feww minutes, but you need to visit a counsellor or psychologist first. Anxiety is a normal human experience but can vary in intensity, so please take a professional help to overcome it. You may book an online / personal appointment with me as soon as possible.
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Hi, it looks like you are feeling extremely anxious. Consult a psychiatrist. It looks like something is making you feel extremely anxious and it looks like you could have anxiety disorder.
You can also consult a psychologist and explain about your situation in detail. A psychologist will help identify what is causing anxiety. A psychologist will help you find ways to manage stress and feel calm.
Do not worry too much consult a psychiatrist and then book an appointment with a psychologist.
Basically it's symptoms of panic attack. Whenever panic attack occures it shoots to peak then after sometime it goes down. Bearing the discomfort and developing the tolerance for it is the trick to overcome anxiety/ panic
Next Steps
you can contact me via online appointment for further assistance
I use exposure response therapy, hypno therapy and neuro linguistic Program to improve panic attack
Health Tips
do Deep breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique atleast twice a day
Understand that anxiety is not your fault.
It's normal to be anxious from time to time. Whether it's something tangible such as waiting to go into a job interview, or an undefined fear about something unknown coming around the corner, anxious thoughts and feelings are a predictable and appropriate response.
Anxiety is a mixture of uneasy feelings, including nervousness, worry and fear, about yourself or others.
It can be caused by specific situations as they unfold, such as sending your child to school for the first time or realizing that you're lost in an unfamiliar city.
It can also be a response to your thoughts about things that have already happened, or that are on the horizon. That's why you might find yourself worrying whether you upset someone days ago or are feeling anxious about giving a big presentation at work that's still weeks away.
Physical symptoms of anxiety include sweating, shaking, feeling sick, and being unable to sleep. The mental effects are also wide-ranging, from clouded thinking and difficulty concentrating at one extreme, to over-active imagination and hyper-alertness at the other. For some people, anxiety is also accompanied by misplaced feelings of embarrassment or shame.
Next Steps
You can contact me through online consultation for the further assistance.
Please share a positive feedback if you are satisfied with our conversation under the given link. Thank you
Health Tips
1. Identify Sources of Stress
Stress, particularly long-term stress, is strongly linked to anxiety.
Another approach is to start keeping a stress diary . Every day, write down the stresses that you experience, and record any anxious thoughts that you have. After a few days, read your diary and explore possible causes and triggers.
Once you've identified specific sources of stress and anxiety, you can take steps to avoid them – or at least to manage your feelings toward them. Knowing the triggers should also help you to discuss them with others and seek support when required.
2. Exercise More
The regular exercise can help to reduce anxiety and build your tolerance for stress. Look for opportunities to fit exercise into your day in many ways, as even small amounts of exercise can have a positive effect on anxious thoughts and feelings.
Yoga can be especially useful for managing anxiety, since it helps to slow and focus your breathing, and can give you more control over your body and mind.
3. Watch What You Eat
You can often lessen your anxiety by reducing or avoiding certain foods and drinks. For example, consider limiting your intake of caffeine, alcohol, soda, energy drinks, and chocolate.
Watching what you eat also means eating a healthy, balanced diet, not skipping meals, and staying hydrated throughout the day.
4. Use Relaxation Techniques
You can use deep breathing exercises to control your stress and anxiety. Deep breathing is especially effective for managing short-term anxiety. If you begin to feel anxious, try taking 10 or 20 slow, deep breaths to calm down. Breathe in as deeply as you can, hold the air in your lungs for several seconds, and let each breath out slowly.
Other effective relaxation techniques include centering , meditation and mindfulness .
5. Think Positively
Often, anxious episodes are preceded by self-sabotaging thoughts or behaviors . Before leading a meeting, for example, you might start imagining it getting out of control, and worry that you're going to look bad in front of your team.
To help with this, write down any negative thoughts as soon as they arise. Then, note down the exact opposites of those thoughts. For example, before your meeting, you could write, "I'm a confident and organized leader, and the people I work with respect me."
As you write out these positive affirmations , start to visualize successful outcomes – both what you hope to happen, and how you want to feel. Mentally rehearsing your meeting like this should relax your mind and body, and help to keep your anxiety under control.
6. Get More Organized
Poor organization can be a serious source of stress and anxiety. If this is the case with you, you'll likely benefit from learning good time-management skills.
Make sure that you manage your daily tasks and responsibilities effectively. Consider using a simple time-management technique, such as a To-Do List , or explore more in-depth tools, such as Action Programs .
A calm and organized working environment should also help you to feel more in control.
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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