Baby poops greenish stool
My baby is 3 months old . I have been feeding my baby formula milk lactogen and as well as breast milk from the beginning of 2 months. Baby used to feel comfortable with both these feedings. But now I'm seeing that my baby has started to poop greenish from a week. So I thought of changing lactogen to Nan pro. Can you please let me know is it safe to change the formula and reasons for greenish stools.
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Do not worry there is no need to change the formula. Children often excrete green stool which only means that the bile production is a little bit in Access but there is nothing to worry about. Continue with lactogen 1 up till 6 months along with breast milk after that changed to lactogen 2 and start weaning after 6 months of age. You can give baby homeopathic medicine called Carbo veg 30 34 globules dissolved in 1 of water and give it to the child.
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