My Baby is 5 months old now,We took DTPA for
kidney dilated renal pelvis problem. want to know further details in this regard
The test result summary below.
1) Split function- 46.9(L), 53.1(R)
2) Kidney counts (cpm) -9807(L)+11098(R)
3) Kidney depth (cm) -0.688(L), 1.599(R)
4) Uptake(%)-4.044(L)+4.576(R)
5) GFR(ml/min)-36.5(L)+41.3(R)
6) Normalized GFR(ml/min)-80.1
7) GFR low normal(ml/min)-90
8) Mean GFR(ml/min)-118.0
9) time of Max(min)-7.751(L), 3.001(R)