Bartholins cyst
I got married i got swelling in my left side  inner vagina.I thought it was bartholins cyst.It was severe pain while I  walk.I got suffered from  bartholins cyst last month .I take sit bath.Then that cyst is drain automatically then it cure completly.After one month i got the same problem.what can i do?plz tell some complete  remedy for that.
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Answers (1)

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Bartholin cyst is formed secondary to blockage of the duct opening of the Bartholin gland. It's function is to lubricate your genital tract during  intercourse. Due to genital tract infection and subsequent fibrosis  the gland opening closes. The gland secretions collect and the protein  gets secondarily infected,& gets associated with the inflammation  and causes pain.   There is recurring infection of the gland opening.
Next Steps
Cyst excision  or  marsupialisation  is recommended
Health Tips
Acute infection primary care with  antibiotics is needed. Also  analgesic may be needed.
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