Bells palsy
Last Friday my father got diagnosed bells palsy. On the 4 th day only he got diagnosed after onset of symptoms .so antiviral drugs not started only steroids and trigabantin given. He had high bp which is 187/120 mm hg and blood  sugar post prandial was 300 mg/dl.taking anti hypertensive and diabetic drugs also.. Now referred to physiotherapy for electrical stimulation. He is doing some exercise along with physio. Improving comparing previous.. Can bells palsy be cured 100 %??
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Hello, As you described ur complaits, I can derive a probable reason behind ur problems but to knw ur problem better and to avoid any future complication (due to delayed treatment), I would suggent to contact me or any other approchable Neurologist ASAP..
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Ya u can expect improvement, but can't tell much improvement that each patient can be near normal.....improvement also....continue physiotherapy
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