Belly bloating - 17th week pregnant
Hi, I am 17 weeks pregnant, initially I carried dizygotic twins but one foetus died in 8th week and other baby is safe now. I was using progesterone (twice a day) from the day 1 to till date. My belly started bloating from last 3 weeks. I am worried about this bloating issue . Is this bloating due to baby growth or any other issues. Could you please suggest
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An examination by a gynaecologist is important. Belly bloating in pregnancy is common in pregnancy because of high levels of progesterone in the body which cause gas and bloating. However a check up is a must to confirm that the bloating is due to indigestion.
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Take Syrup Sucralafil two spoons three times a day 30 minutes before breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 weeks
Next Steps
Do ultrasound every 2 weeks for baby growth dear
Health Tips
Continue progesterone and iron and calcium supplements Mothers Horlicks two spoons with milk two times a day Take a boiled egg daily
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Progesterone intake can cause bloating sensation sometimes..Avoid spicy and lily food.and take timely food..
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