Blocked right side fallopian tube
After hsg test it was found that my right fallopian tube was blocked. I and my husband are planning to have baby, in feb my left ovary produces egg i tried to conceive but failed. My right ovary is more active in producing egg than my left thus it lead to very less chance for conceiving . I want to unblock my fallopian tube, what should i do, or should i wait n try for conceiving from left side. Please help and guide me.
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Don't worry. Consult gynecologist for hysterolaparoscopy for tubal canulation.  Which will reveal the cause of tubal block and will open it in same sitting if possible. Else you can consult ayurvedic gynecologist for preconception detoxification Panchakarma treatment especially Basti and Uttarbasti to remove blockage.
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You can become pregnant because your other fallopian tube is open. You start the treatment by personally meeting gynaecologist. You can contact me also.
Next Steps
You can also go for ivf depending on your age and husband semen report.
Health Tips
Injection placentrex one ampule once a day Intra muscular.
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depending upon site and extent of block it can be removed but it need evaluation with Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Canulation is helpful in proximal and small tubal blocks.
Next Steps
consult a reproductive medicine (IVF) consultant
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How to block out pain Fallopian tube blockage blockage in fallopian tube
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