Boil near vagina
Recurrent boil near vagina left or right side. Every month I get this boil in between periods. When I used YAZ Tablets there was no boil. When I stopped it again same boil every month between periods. Is this harmone related? This problem is from 10 years. I met many doctors gyneacs. No one solving this problem. I tried to google but no solution to this. No one has this problem except me I wonder. I dont know what problem it is. Every month when I get this boil it is very painfull, feverish with pus and blood. After drain ill be okay. But every month this repeats. I met a dermatologist he says we need to do a biopsy.. For what a biopsy is done for this problem.
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It's bacterial will improve with medicine... for detailed medicine prescription do online consultation
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No need to worry.specific treatment is depends on severity of the disease . Complete medical history is required.. Pls do online consultation with Dermatologist for detailed prescription & guidance.
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