Brain Fog and fatigue
I am suffering from chronical brain fog. I am not able to think followed with memory loss. Not able to remember simple things this is effecting my daily life very badly. Please tell me some effective medicines to tackle this problem.
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Dear sir, BRAIN FOG is not a disorder mentioned anywhere in scientific literature. I hope that you are using the term only loosely to describe your problems. What you are suffering from definitely seems troublesome. You may be having these issues due to the stressful nature of your job or due to some other mental health issues or due to an early onset memory disorder. In any case, meeting a psychiatrist and getting yourself evaluated is the best option.
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Whereform you got this tag (brain fog) to add to your memory problems? I suppose it's not from internet. Anyways, look, memory problems can be caused by many factors ranging from simple problems with registration of learnt material due to problems in concentration to psyvhiatric problems like depression, anxiety disorders etc to name a few. Fatigue and brain fog construe a long standing disorder called fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome but this diagnosis needs proper approach. You better consult a psychiatrist.
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Hello sir.You have not specified your age and occupation.Memory loss can be a symptom of many illnesses and it is very important to rule them out one by one.Early action will make sure you recover better and faster.
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What causes brain fog and dizziness Brain fatigue symptoms
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