One of my molar teeth has broken. As per X-Ray, the roots are intact and fine, but the upper part is missing. I do not feel any pain in that region. What treatment would you advise other than extraction and implant?
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hello sir. if the tooth is grossly destructed and roots are still stronger. it can be preserved by RCT followed by post and core build up followed by crown.
Difficult to answer without xray ,
How much parts remain will determine the treatment
Intact root without any crown part is unable to save
Intact root with infected or affected root canal system can be saved with rct and cap
Intact root with intact root canal system only simple restoration
As a Root canal specialist I would always like to save teeth,especially the molars,as they are functionally very significant.
It all depends on the amount of remaining coronal tooth structure available for us to reinforce/rebuild the lost tooth structure,after the root canal procedure.If very little tooth is remaining,we can still do post and core procedures folloed by crown placement.
If the entire crown of the tooth is missing then removal and replacement with either an implant or a bridge would be a better option.
If your remaining portion of the tooth is sound and intact then its definitely possible to save it with root canal, later by post and core build up,followed by a crown. Final decision Depends on clinical examination by your dentist. Visit as soon as possible to avoid further damage of your remaining part of the tooth as it may break due to chewing forces.
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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