Check on Dual Marker results
Age:33, Gender: Female Female, 33years already have 3.5year old fit and fine daughter (born caserian) Weight:69 Height:5.3 T3,T4,TSH are under control (taking Eltroxin 100mg daily) During first pregnancy got gestational diabetes at 7th month. Now taking more precautions since doctor gor 75 gm glucose test and it was Basal:100 Glucose 1hr post glucose load:252 Glicose 2hr post glucose load:152 HbA1c: 6.4.  At 11week6days got a scan for NT-NB and dual marker for which report is as below. CRL :5.0 cm Nasal lucency:1.7mm FHR:163 bpm PAPP-A: 1.0 mIU/ml (corr. MOM's: 0.41) Free B HCG: 50.6 ng/ml (corr. MOM's: 1.20) CRL:50mm Gestational Age by CRL: 11+4 Gestational Age on day serum was taken:11+5 Nuchal Translucency:1.70 mm NT MOM's: 1.26 MoM Nasal Bone: present Trisomy 21+NT: 1:295 Trisomy 21: 1:149 Trisomy 13/18+NT: 1:5897 Age Risk: 1:335. As per radiologist both markers are negative, but doctor has raised concern.Can you please advice if anything is a concern? Now pregnancy is at 15 week
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The double marker is showing risk of 1/149. If less than 250 u have to go for further testing.
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