I had allergy I was put on chest x-ray, chest MRI ,ecg and blood test. Eusophinil count was more .Allergy treatment taken Glemont-F ,Hetrazan 100 for 42 days . Hetrazan for 21 days
Then after 42 days started chest heaviness pressure rib sharp pain .. When I am bending chest heaviness . Walking chest heaviness. Twisting feeling uncomfortable in chest .
I was put on ultrasound it was normal and then
LFT test.. Globulin count was 2.4 doctor told muscle related . Given pantacid and one medicine for muscle relaxation.
But now this pressure is not going.. I have burping also .. while walking heaviness bending chest heaviness .. All of sudden ribs pain sharp for 2 seconds then stops..
Please let me know what should I do?