Cystic ovaries with mild Endometriosis
(According to my 1st USG(10/12/2024), my Gestational age was 5 weeks 3 days with  msd  0.66 cm only seen small irregular Gestational sac appear in endometrial cavity . Everything was normal.) After taking mefigest kit(11/12/2024) my bleeding stopped on (20/12/2024) after that  on the day 14 , ( 24/12/2024) i have done my 2nd USG . In my USG report , My uterus shows THERE IS NO OBVIOUS REMNANTS ARE SEEN INSIDE THE ENDOMETRIAL CAVITY. My endometrial thickness is 0.37 cm . Uterus size 7.35cm  ×3.10 cm × 3.71 cm My Ovaries shows normal in size But , there are MULTIPLE TINY ANECHOIC CYSTS ARE SEEN INSIDE BOTH THE OVARIES WHICH APPEARING ADHERENT TO THE UTERUS. Right ovary, 3.63×1.77×2.46 cm - 8.2 cc Left ovary, 3.96×2.14×2.62 cm - 11.6 cc Impression: BILATERAL CYSTIC OVARIES WITH MILD ENDOMETRIOSIS. Is it something serious and dangerous ? Is there are any Rpoc ? I have no pain and no symptoms at all but report says something serious condition inside my body . What happen to me ?
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Please consult a Gynaecologist in your area for a physical examination and further management. With such a huge description, as provided by you, it becomes difficult to find out what exactly you are trying to ask. Such situations need multiple consultations depending on the new symptoms that you develop with the passage of time . So Tele-consultation is not the preferred mode of management.
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Nothing serious its pcos No rpoc
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Pls connect for online consultation and advice
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Consult gynaecologist for detailed explanation
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