Delayed periods (not pregnant)
31yrs. Married, mom of a 3year kid. For the past few months, periods are getting delayed to 3 or 4 days from the expected date. This month its delayed to 8days. At times having back pain & stomach pain which I get usually during periods. No intercourse so obviously not pregnant. Due to this lockdown, unable to go to clinic. Any remedy to get periods.
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When there is no chance of pregnancy wait for 10 to 15 days. U will get it automatically
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Don't  worry it may be  due to  stress  /anxiety  due to current  lockdown  period...wait  and watch  ..1 wk more..if you are surely  know you are not pregnant  .
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Hi... 3-4 days delay in periods is considered as normal but if it’s delayed by 8 days this cycle stress could be a major cause because of the present situation. You can wait for another week and if you don’t get periods withdrawal bleeding can be achieved by Tab devry 10 mg twice daily for 5 days.
Next Steps
If the problem persists you’ll need a hormonal evaluation
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