Electric Shock/Extreme Pain in Shoulder
From the age of 15 years I used to get sharp pain or electrical shocks on my right shoulder and when it happens my entire arm just fell on such force like wgen someone pushes you at a speed if 100kmph. And for 10 to 15 minutes neither i could lift my arm or move and my neck pains on right side and my shoulder biceps pain lasts for 3 days or for more than a week. I once consulted an orthopedic and he gave some medications and for one month physiotherapy. But then of no use, from that age and now i am 32 years old. But what annoys more is that the pain shifted to my left shoulder and happens the same like with my right shoulder.. I dont know what is thus situation and whom to consult. Now im having pain on my neck, shoulders and biceps... I some where read and heard that this case of mine is can be called as "trapped nerve" in neck region or "cervical pain" Please review and help me with this and let me know to which specilist to ve consulted... Thank you
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Contact with the X'RAY cervical spine AP Lat/ views result for proper management of the problem.
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Electric stimulation for back pain How to treat electric shock
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