Hi Doctor...6 Months back I was diagnosed with
Diabetes with
Hb1Ac 13.8...The problem.I was facing was rapid weight loss...Along with that my vision became little blur and sensitive to light..I went to an several eye doctors and they checked my eye...Especially retionography...And they said that it is completely fine
2 Months back i get my A1C checked and it was 6.4...All other symptoms are gone but eye problem still persists...I always feel heaviness in my eyes...My eyes become light sensitive...Watery and itchy with heaviness..I use spex and number was recently checked,...I am ok with that spex in low light and near things...But in far objects it was giving a blirry vision...But Numbers are clearly visible in distant also...Have visited multiple doctors but the problem.is still there...Can u help.m.in diagnosing this...