Fatty liver grade 2
Sir I having Mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration of liver (Grade 2) So
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Fatty liver is a common condition of the liver due to modern life-style, food, and drink habits. Collection of fats in liver cells is called fatty liver. This condition is also called steatosis hepatis or steatorrhoeic hepatosis. Fatty liver by itself though abnormal, is a relatively harmless condition. Liver is the largest organ in the human body. It plays a vital role in keeping the biochemical balance intact. Why fatty liver occurs, is unknown. A fatty diet or overeating by itself never results in a fatty liver. The fat may come from increased absorption from the intestines or from elsewhere in the body. But, putting it generally, the liver loses its capacity to eliminate fats deposited within it. Yet, 70% of persons suffering from NASH are found to be obese. Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes behind fatty liver, improves liver functions and reduces the symptoms as well as modifies the disease process. Fatty liver is partly reversible condition if treated in the early stages. In later stages, it can help to improve the liver functions. Well chosen homeopathic medicines can help control and reduce Fatty liver disease. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of Fatty Liver. A homeopathic constitutional treatment will give you best results naturally You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services
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