My mother is 63 years old with 60 kg weight, height is 5 ft. Her blood pressure remains within 135 to 145 range.
She is taking 150mcg thyrox, rosvastagin f 5 mg and 2 jain madhumardan tablets before and after food in morning and at night.
hba1c is 6.6, fasting glucose is 118.
Ayurvedic doctor suggested many medicines but she is only taking madhumardan tablets. My mother can't gobble up a lot of medicines in a single day as she is already taking other allopathic medicines.
These madhumardan tablets were able to control
diabetes earlier but now these doesn't seem to work.
Is there any ayurvedic doctor who can treat diabetes only with less medicines? She needs treatment for diabetes only and not for other diseases because ayurvedic medicines are very hard to take.