Hairline receding
Hi. I found that my hairline is receding near my temple on one side of my head(right).. I experience more hair fall from the right side part.. left side is still very thick.. there is a slight thinning which has started recently on the right side frontal area. But otherwise I have thick hair.. can I go for a hairline reduction surgery.. is it effective ? A permanent cure??Is it available in india?
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Like the answers? Consult privately with the doctor of your choice not wash your hair too roughly, do not use many shampoos, you should not wash your hair with too hot water...try to have healthy diet at regular intervals,drink more water,manage stressful situations smoothly if possible avoid them,biotin supplements helps you...The speed of hair growth varies based upon genetics, gender, age, hormones. It may be reduced by nutrient cause for hair fall should be dealt properly...Consult nearest dermatologist they will do the needful.
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Receding hairline may be due to multiple reason it may be a female pattern baldness. Hair line reduction surgery is not hairline but forehead reduction surgery where hair line is advanced by hair transplantation. It's done and give good results which lasts long .
Next Steps
consult qualified hair transplant surgeon
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