I have had a Real time PCR test 12 days after possible exposure. the equipment used is COBAS AmpliPrep and COBAS TaqMan The results are (
HIV RNA detected) HIV-1 Viral Load (quantitative) below 20 copies/ml with a Log value below 1.3. I have also done the Duo 4th generation Test for HIV which was non reactive (.12) HBsAg Screening , HCV-Total ab to Hepatitis C Virus ,HSV -1&2 IgG antibody , HSV -1&2 IgM antibody all are normal . What does this mean for my HIV status ? Does below 20 copies mean I am positive ? I was told by the lab it could be the variance of the machine .... but i am very very scared ...I am now 16 days post possible exposure what further test would you recommend ?