Hi, My husband just got his body check up and his tsh level is 0.003 which is extremely low but a very normal range for ft3 & ft4 which is 3.91 and 1.45 respectively. He is an active gym going person and has been taking protein supplements since some years. He has a problem of losing weight rapidly and has a mildly hoarse voice. The ultrasound of his throat is diagnosed as normal. Does he have hyperthyroid? Are the supplements causing it? Should we start the medicines for hyperthyroid? Thanks!
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Since his T3 and T4 are normal he seems to be having a condition known as subclinical hyperthyroidism . His protein supplement may be suppressing TSH production which occurs in our pituitary gland. Though he won't be symptomatic because normal T3 and T4, extremely low level of TSH is of concern. You should consult a endocrinologist
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Consult nearby endocrinologist for detailed evaluation and appropriate treatment if required
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