Lacrimal syringing
What is the right age for lacrimal syringing? My daughter has watery and sticky eye since birth. Now she is 9 months old.
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Normally sac massage is advised till the age of 1 yr. Most of the blockage resolves by 1 yr of age by massage only. After that if blockage persists,a procedure known as probing with syringing is done. U can wait till one year of age provided she doesn't have any acute symptoms like painful swelling,redness and yellowish discharge.Alone sac massage can help till 1 yr of age.
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Lacrimal syringing isn't done for babies less than 1 year of age. Ideally nasolacrimal massage is recommended till the baby turns 1. Only after that any kind of intervention is considered if the watering doesn't stop.
Next Steps
Continue with the massage as there is still a possibility that blockage might open up. Opt for a video consultation for further details.
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