Laser Operation
Hi I want to do Laser operation of my both eyes, because since last so many years am using Specs No is approx -5.00 of both eyes. And I would like to know where I can go to do operation and what will be the exact charges which I have to pay. Regards Nikhil
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Hello lasik is very good option to get rid of glasses Doctor will perform few tests (Schirmer test, Pentacam and Fundus examination) and if all tests are normal then you can go for lasik surgery without fear. Success rate of LASIK is over 96%. Side effects may vary from minimal like mild dryness, DALK, haloes, glare to severe like infection (very rare). Precaution include: a. Avoid face/head wash for 1 week b. Avoid swimming /water sports for 6 weeks c. Avoid eye make up for 6 weeks Cost :depends on Type of lasik which varies from 25000 for standard lasik to 1.10 lacs for SMILE lasik
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