Left hand pain
Hello, I am suffering from pain in my left hand from back of left shoulder till hand since month. Initially I was having severe pain, so taken injection from Orthopedic Dr and taken physiotherapy(heat and IFT) for 1 week. Physiotherapist doctor said I am suffering from muscle spasm. However orthopedic doctor said I have Fibromygenia. I am now doing exercises daily. But still my left hand pain persists and increases in day time. Kindly advise.
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According ur physiotherapy and according ur orthopedic dr let's do firstly reduce spasm with ultrasonic therapy for 15 minute and tens therapy OK when spasm completely out from ur hand then start strength exercise in gradually process it will help u come out this issue
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Hello, If you have pain from Shoulder and goes down till hand then this can be due to cervical spine issue also, you need detailed examination by a physiotherapist or orthopedician. There are lot of techniques which helps relieving pain. Even after exercises the pain is same then you need further evaluation and proper assessment. Try to do neck retraction with proper technique if your symptom improves then the pain is coming from neck.
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Hello possible causes like trauma Soft tissue injury Muscle spasms Fracture Musculoskeletal disorders should be ruled out consult orthopedician for further evaluation and treatment if necessary mri has to be done I hipe this helps to solve your problem even diabetes and vit b12 deficiency or neurological disorders consult physician for the same.
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Pain in hand while writing
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