Hi, I am 26 Years Old. Never had a Back Pain History. Suffering from Back Pain since last 1 month. I am using new Office Chair and a new Matress(Reason shifted home and Job).Consulted with Orthopaedic Doctor and as per his recommendation taken below Medicines in First Consultation.
1. Repepsa D :- 7 Tablets
2. Arthraspaz :- 7 Tablets
3. Retoz :- 7 Tablets
4. Defza :- 7 Tablets
5. D Shine 60k
Calcium:- 4 Tab in 2 weeks.
Apart from this , doing regular back pain exercises.
But My Back Pain is still there . It hurts while in office, sitting at my Study Table.
Follow Up Session done today with Same Doctor:-
1. Nervegab Tab:- 5 Tab
2. Bonultra Tab :- 15 Tab
3. Repepsa D:- 5 Tab
4. Anachitol 6L Injection for
Vitamin D taken today.
5.Physiotherapy is pending .
I would love to have more suggestions that actually solve my Health Issue. Because I already invested 1150/- so far and my Back Pain is still there.