I've had this lesion since May 2017, I noticed it cause it was painful like a pimple at first and it was a kind of pink/flesh colored. I tried removing it myself May 2017 using baking soda paste, it scabbed, fell off and grew back about 2 weeks later, only now it looks like a brown uniform color. It isn't painful at all, doesn't itch or cause any discomfort physically, I haven't noticed it get bigger or change shape. Does this look like a melanoma? I've never used tanning beds and don't spend much time in the sun. Pictures I have provided are taken 2 years apart. Thank you for your time.
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Externally it does nt appear to be so. Moreover, it has not increased over 2 years. Hence, i dont perceive any worrisome pathology. Just keep a watch. If it changes character, get it examined.
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