Mental, psycological
Hello all This is myself I am 25 years old. From last 1 year I have changed alot.. Alot in terms of a person. I used to be the most carefree girl use to love time alone with myself and love everything around and the most positive person use to motivate people alot be happy and spread happiness but now I have become this person that I have no interest in anything there use to be a excitement earlier but now there is nothing exciting I have stopped loving myself. I hardly dress up look after myself and do anything that a general girl does of her age. Does this happen it happens with everyone when they hit my age or what. I feel numb at times like everything Is happening sub consciously. Is it hormonal or is it really mental I don't understand but I know the fact that k miss myself is there anyone who can help me with this.
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Hi. All ur complaints are in accordance with a depressive disorder. Kindly see a psychiatrist. It is treatable.
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Hello. No girl you have not changed as a person. We call it depressive disorder and its curable.You should take help from a psychiatrist.  Ppl dont change like this within an yr. The symptoms you mentioned are indicative of depression. Whatever treatment you take .. ensure complete course and as few pills as possible.
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hi, all that you have mentioned happens with some people buut there is nothing to worry about, visit a psychologist and seek psychotherapy, it'll do wonders to you. stay happy!!
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Hi As we grow older lot changes inside & around us. Our own physiological / hormonal changes, experiences, environment, how we occur to others, how they treat us etc, etc. All these along with our genetic makeup leads to constant transformation in the way we perceive things and interpret. This then keeps modifying the way we think, feel & behave. It's completely normal & it is important we become present to these & keep vomit to terms. However sometimes if these changes take a negative turn and start to have a negative impact too, on us or our our life in someways, that is when we need to consider help. Hope this helps.
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